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High-Value datasets

Overview of metadata for spatial data sets that fall under the scope of Open Data Directive according to the related Executive Regulation.

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Earth Observation and Environment


Agricultural parcels

This section includes spatial datasets inserted in the systems and subsystems as defined in Art. 68 of Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013.

The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) consists of computerised databases of the subsystems. The Identification System for Agricultural Parcels (better known as LPIS - Land Parcel Identification System) and the Aid Applications and Payments Claims subsystems of IACS contain the spatial data components.


Geospatial aid application as part of the Aid applications subsystem of IACS, defined by Art. 68 of Regulation 1306/2013.


Land Parcel Identification System, a subsystem of Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) as defined by Art. 68 of Regulation 1306/2013.

Other Core reference datasets