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  2. Povodne v povodí Dunaja - Komárno, stav k 21.09.2024 - Copernicus EMS

Povodne v povodí Dunaja - Komárno, stav k 21.09.2024 - Copernicus EMS

Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky

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Source identification

Source title:

Povodne v povodí Dunaja - Komárno, stav k 21.09.2024 - Copernicus EMS

Source type:

Spatial data set

Source content:

Zaplavené územia v povodí rieky Dunaj v oblasti Komárna s údajom o hĺbke záplavy. Údaje sú odvodené zo satelitných snímkov programu Copernicus EMS zhotovených 21.09.2024 09:14 UTC.

Conditions applied to access and use:

Responsible organization:

Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky
Námestie Ľ. Štúra
81235, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
Slovenská republika

Resource published/last revised/created date:

Publication: 9/21/2024

Frequency of maintenance and updates:


Source language:


Character encoding:


Spatial resolution:

Scale number: 10000

Spatial scope:

Northernmost coordinates: 49.6100°
Southernmost coordinates: 47.7300°
Easternmost coordinates: 22.5700°
Westernmost coordinates: 16.8300°
Northernmost coordinates: 49.6100°
Westernmost coordinates: 16.8300°
Easternmost coordinates: 22.5700°
Southernmost coordinates: 47.7300°

Spatial scope:

Westernmost coordinates: 16.8300°
Easternmost coordinates: 22.5700°
Southernmost coordinates: 47.7300°
Northernmost coordinates: 49.6100°

Spatial representation type:


Coordinate reference system:

Resource Distribution Information

Distribution format:

Name: vnd.shp Version: neznáma

Resource quality information


https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/list-of-activations-rapid Copernicus Emergency Management Service (© 2024 European Union), [EMSR759] Flood on the Danube in Hungary, Austria, and Slovakia: Monitoring 1 (situation as of: 21.09.2024 09:14 UTC)


Metadata contact title:

Point of contact
Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky
Námestie Ľ. Štúra
81235, Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
Slovenská republika

Metadata language:


Metadata date:
