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Zobrazovacia služba WMS - Parcely C (SJTSK aj Web Mercator) - Orto

Geodetický a kartografický ústav Bratislava

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Source identification

Source title:

Zobrazovacia služba WMS - Parcely C (SJTSK aj Web Mercator) - Orto

Source type:

Spatial data service

Service type:

View service

Source content:

Webová mapová služba WMS, ktorá zobrazuje údaje KN, konkrétne parcely registra C, v súradnicovom systéme SJTSK aj v zobrazení Web Mercator v inverznom zobrazení, ktoré je vhodné pri použití s ortofotosnímkami.

Conditions applied to access and use:

Responsible organization:

Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky (ÚGKK SR)
Chlumeckého 2
820 12, Bratislava 212
Bratislavský kraj
Slovenská republika

Resource published/last revised/created date:

Revision: 12/6/2021

Spatial scope:

Northernmost coordinates: 49.61°
Southernmost coordinates: 47.73°
Easternmost coordinates: 22.57°
Westernmost coordinates: 16.83°
Northernmost coordinates: 49.61°
Westernmost coordinates: 16.83°
Easternmost coordinates: 22.57°
Southernmost coordinates: 47.73°

Spatial scope:

Westernmost coordinates: 16.83°
Easternmost coordinates: 22.57°
Southernmost coordinates: 47.73°
Northernmost coordinates: 49.61°

Resource Distribution Information

Call metadata:

Operation name: Získať metaúdaje zobrazovacej služby / getCapabilities
URL: https://kataster.skgeodesy.sk/eskn/services/NR/kn_wms_orto/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS

Distribution format:

Name: gml+xml

Resource quality information

Compliance with specification:

Title: ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information - Web map server interface Publication: 11/23/2005 Explanation: Neprebehol. Grade:


Metadata contact title:

Point of contact
Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky (ÚGKK SR)
Chlumeckého 2
820 12, Bratislava 212
Bratislavský kraj
Slovenská republika

Metadata language:


Metadata date:
